Cat's birthday snuck up on us year, and with peanut butter on the brain, I decided chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting would be divine. Brad and a coworker reminded me that not everybody immediately thinks of peanut butter when they think of cupcakes.. so I also made some cream cheese frosting to top a few.
I boxed four of the cupcakes to give to Cat in case she wants to take them home, and I'll display the rest on a tray in her cube, assuming she wants to share ;) And, thanks to Brad's mom, I had lots of chocolate and other Easter candy on hand, which made decorating these cupcakes fun and easy!

OMG. I so want to lick that peanut butter frosting!!!!!!! I must make this. This weekend I made cupcakes with Marshmallow fluff frosting--I think it would be great to use a little bit of both on a chocolate cupcake. Fluffernutter!