I thought I had this recipe down, but apparently not. I had a tremendous raspberry buttercream fail, which is why you will not see any pictures of that part. Not that I'm scared to show you my failures, I just panicked and forgot to document... conveniently! Honest... Long story short is my raspberries were a little too wet, and we all know the saying about oil and water. I wasn't using oil, but I suppose butter also applies. It was a globular meltdown no good disaster. I butterscreamed. Well, I spread it on the cake anyway, and it looked OK, but I couldn't serve it with a smile. So I made a second batch of plain vanilla buttercream which came out great, and I spread it on top of the raz. Lavryn would say, "too many flavor profiles!" and I'm sad she can't try it. Monch! I'll let you know what people say tomorrow. I'm excited!
making the raspberry filling:
eggs and milk, soon they will become one:
this recipe is interesting, because instead of creaming the butter and sugar first, you mix all the dry ingredients together then add the butter to create "wet crumbs." i don't like saying "wet crumbs," do you?
the batter, which smells heavily of almond extract. the recipe calls for two teaspoons, but one is enough.. the other teaspoon of vanilla sets it off:
So pretty! I don't think Vanilla and Raspberry makes for too many flavor profiles. If you added mint frosting it might have been a problem. I'm making cupcakes with strawberry butterscream today . . . wish me luck!!!!!!!