Wednesday, August 1, 2012

absent but not forgotten

Brief update: We had the baby! And life is forever not the same!

Ha. It took a while to get little Gavin on a schedule (well, it's more of a routine at this point because he still likes to change things up every now and then). But finally he is in bed by about 8pm every night and I find myself mosying around the house trying to be productive but not really doing anything interesting. Tonight as I sat here with the monitor, watching baby Gav slumber away to the sound of ocean waves, I found myself wondering what I used to do in the evenings before bedtime routines and cleaning up the debris after a day with a baby. So much debris...
And it hit me. I used to BAKE! Pretty much every night I was baking something different, going to bed "exhausted" after doing "too much" yet again. Last night I slept from midnight to 4am, then from 5am to 8am, braved a lunchtime date with some friends and Gavin, and I feel more alive than I ever did after baking, frosting, and decorating 4 dozen cupcakes after a full night of uninterrupted sleep and day at work sitting in a chair at a desk.
I'm hoping this means I'll be ready to bake sometime soon. However, a few weeks after Gav was born, I made Brad some banana bread. He said it was gross and we threw it away. It took 10x more effort to make that banana bread than any previous banana bread endeavor.. and I was such a sad face girl. I go back to work in a week and a half, which means I'll have human garbage disposals to bake for. They truly eat anything and never tell you when it is "gross." HAHA! Lots of mized emotions about returning to work, but I'm excited that I'll have an audience to bake for again :)

Until then! Wish me luck...

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