True to form, JoAnna gave us a list of about a million options, but Devina and I were able to pick out her favorite easily- a Kentucky Derby themed shower. Only JoAnna!! <3
True to my form, I immediately began to think of cake options. Of course the first thing that popped into my mind was the red velvet Armadillo Cake from "Steel Magnolias," a cake that's stuck with me since the very first time I saw the movie as a small child. The sheer COLOR! It was almost blinding!
Well of course as we all know, red velvet it super popular these days. I'm not sure why, because the cake itself isn't fantastic.. the flavor is a little bi-curious if you ask me... neither here nor there, and red, of all things. I think people enjoy it because it's so moist. Hands down the majority of people prefer oil+buttermilk cakes to anything else. I know I do!
I decided to go with a small cake and cupcakes for the shower. I like variety! I made the 8" cake the night before the shower, and it came out great. Next I needed to make the cupcakes, which was supposed to be easy because I already had all the ingredients out. I zoomed through and got the cupcakes in the oven, started putting the ingredients away and realized I forgot to add... the baking soda! AHHH!! Of all things! So of course the cupcakes came out like little red rubber paddle balls and I had to throw them away. I still needed to make the chocolate horseshoes so I decided to have round two with the cupcakes in the a.m. I woke up at 7, went to the grocery store for more buttermilk, and made only 12 cupcakes this time because there was too much to do. Plus I only had enough horseshoes for twelve of them anyway :D
The cupcakes came out fantastic, and the cake was amazing too. I'm still pretty impressed with myself, haha! I think people enjoyed the cake, I know they loved the cream cheese frosting, and only one person asked what the little "c's" were on the cupcakes.. but everyone else seemed to get it. Hurrah for successful baking!
I was so busy, a photo almost didn't happen.
Big thanks to Andrea for being a fab photog!
Big thanks to Andrea for being a fab photog!

p.s. I have another baking commission.. I'll share the order details in a post later this week.
Adorable as always! How did you make the chocolate horseshoes? I can't believe the baking soda mishap!
ReplyDeleteOne of my coworkers once made brownies that didn't turn out. He was complaining about them and said: "I don't know what happened. The only thing I left out was the baking powder because I didn't have any, but that shouldn't have been a problem, right?"
Hey La, long time no respondi! Shorry.
ReplyDeleteI made the chocolate horse shoes by melting down some semi sweet chocolate and putting it in a piping bag. I piped the outline of the shapes freehand onto parchment paper, then filled them in. When they were mostly cooled, I put my fave round sprinkles around the bottom to look like the little holes in real horse shoes. I only had a few that looked like the university "U" you find on t-shirts, and even some that looked like an omega. But, overall, pretty easy and super fun!